Pest Library

Here are some of the most common pests in Alabama


Found in and around homes and businesses, ants are the number one nuisance pest in America and also the easiest pest for property owners to identify. All ants have segmented bodies that are made up of the head, thorax, and abdomen but ant species vary in color and size.  Below is a list of the most common types of ants in the Greater Birmingham metro.

  • Argentine ants

  • Carpenter ants

  • Crazy ants

  • Fire ants

  • Little black ants

  • Odorous house ants

  • Pavement ants

  • Pharaoh ants

Most ants in Alabama are considered nuisance pests meaning they will not cause property damage. Of course, there are exceptions, most notably, carpenter ants which are wood-destroying pests, and fire ants that sting and are notorious for creating unsightly nests on lawns.  

If you’ve found ants in the kitchen, ants nesting along your walkways, or elsewhere in or around your home or building, contact Acre Group for effective pest control services.

american cockroach crawling on home in pelham alabama


No one wants to deal with a cockroach problem in their home or business. Unfortunately, it happens and while there are several thousand species of cockroaches found worldwide, thankfully there are only a few species that Greater Birmingham residents and businesses have to be concerned about. Though they all look similar, they vary in color and size. Common types of cockroaches in this area include:

  • American cockroaches

  • German cockroaches

  • Oriental cockroaches

  • Turkistan cockroaches

Cockroaches may be considered dangerous because they transmit serious germs and bacteria they picked up in sewers, dumpsters, and other travels. Additionally, roaches trigger allergic reactions and may induce asthma attacks in sensitive individuals. 

If you’re looking for a local pest control company that gets rid of cockroaches, please contact Acre Group today!

two house mice crawling out through crack in house exterior in hoover alabama


Since mice are commensal rodents (meaning they rely in part on humans for their survival) it comes as no surprise that they often infest homes and businesses in an attempt to secure food, water, and shelter. Mice are smaller than rats and only a few inches long, not including their tails. Their coloring varies but most mice are gray, brown, black, or a combination of those colors.   

The common house mouse should be considered a threat to human health and property because they spread disease, contaminate food, damage property, and even cause fire hazards when they chew on wires.

mosquito in vestavia hills al posed to bite


Here in Alabama, there are about 60 different species of mosquitoes but the most common ones in our region are the genus Aedes and the genus Culex. While all mosquitoes are similar looking, where they’re likely to vex property owners depends on their species. For example, the Asian tiger mosquito will take advantage of anything that can hold water in order to breed. A kiddie pool, an empty flower pot, and a tarp on the ground can hold enough water to facilitate mosquito breeding. 

Mosquitoes are considered a threat to human health as many species are disease-carrying insects.

At Acre Group, we offer mosquito control services that drastically reduce mosquito populations by treating areas where they rest and where they breed. If you don’t want mosquitoes to drive you indoors, please contact our local company for assistance. 


Silverfish are small, wingless insects that move quickly in a fish-like manner and often infest homes in the Birmingham metro. They are silver or brown in color and have silvery-gray scales covering their bodies. Approximately ¾ of an inch in length, they have tear-shaped bodies that have 3 long bristle-like appendages coming off the back and a long pair of antennae.  

Although silverfish are not dangerous to human health or property, they are a nuisance pest that will feed on paper, human hair, glue, and book bindings as well as other items that contain start and/or polysaccharides. They are frequently found in laundry rooms, kitchens, and bathrooms as well as other areas where humidity is present. 

For help getting rid of silverfish that have infested your property, reach out to Acre Group.


Though there are more than 30,000 classified species of spiders, the most common types of spiders in Pelham, Vestavia Hills, and Hoover as well as throughout the Greater Birmingham metro are:

  • Brown recluse spiders

  • Black widow spiders

  • Cellar spiders

  • House spiders

  • Wolf spiders

For the most part spiders in Alabama are not a significant health threat. That said, both brown recluses and black widows are venomous spiders and their venom instigates health issues. 

In order to eliminate and prevent spider infestations, Acre Group offers effective pest control services that are designed to resolve existing spider activity and stop these eight-legged arachnids from taking over.